ESOTERIC STANDARD COMMITTEE Lambda Calculus Syntax ESOSC-2014-A5 2015-03-11 This standard has been approved by the following members of the ESOSC: * nortti * Taneb * mroman 1 Lambda Calculus ----------------- Lambda Calculus is a formal system used in mathematical logic and plays and played an important role in the development of programming langugage theory [1]. [1] 2 Lambda Calculus Syntax ------------------------ This standard aims to standardize the syntax/notation of lambda calculus. Figure [GRMR] specifies the grammar of lambda calculus given in EBNF. The EBNF rule /term/ is the top-level rule and shall be the entry point for parsing lambda calculus terms. [GRMR] space = ? spaces (whitespaces, newlines, tabs) ?; vLetter = ? printable letters except "\", "λ", "(", ")" and ".". ?; variable = vLetter, { vLetter }; term = { space }, ( variable | application | parens | lambda ), { space }; lambda = L, { space }, variable , ".", term; | L, { space }, (variable, { space }), { variable, { space } }, [ variable ], ".", term; parens = "(", term, ")"; L = "λ" | "\"; application = term, term; [/GRMR] If UTF-8 support is readily available then it is recommended to use λ instead of \. 2.1 Abbreviation --------------- The syntax defined by the ESOSC allows the use of "abbreviated forms" such as λx y z.f instead of λx.λy.λz.f but which are semantically identic.